
Monday, 24 February 2014

He's a RoBORE Man - Robocop 2014 Review

Robocop did not succeed in making an drastic improvement on it’s original, made over a quarter of a century ago. After an attempted the attempt on his life, Alex Murphy is left with 4th degree burns on 80% of his body. Most of his arms and legs are amputated and he regains a mostly robotic body, offered to him by Omnicorp and their CEO Raymond Sellars. Sellars is a man motivated only by money and doesn’t care for Alex’s well being. Alex Murphy becomes Robocop. He is then is on a one man/robot mission to solve the case of his own attempted murder, instead of making sure his family are okay. Because of his lack of concern for his family his son ends up not at school and his wife desperately trying to get to him.

The new Robocop failed almost across the board, the acting in the film was the only thing I really enjoyed. However, Joel Kinnamon (Alex Murphy/Robocop) and Gary Oldman’s (Dr. Dennett Norton) performance is over-looked because of the poor storyline and our inability to connect to to Alex Murphy.

The storyline was almost predictable and tedious. The way Robocop was revealed and spotted a criminal in the crowd straight away was seen a mile off by the audience. I felt that if Robocop had been revealed in a more Iron Man style. Robocop was a boring and systematical hero of the people. The film would have had a lot more spunk if Robocop had a bit of personality. It does have to understood that Robocop is meant to have logical and robotic quality but that doesn’t mean that he should be left with no personality. He was missing character, a certain amount of banter he could have had with criminals before he took them down. This lack of personality and character made Alex Murphy really hard for the audience to connect with, his priorities alienated the audience. Alex decides to go after his attempted murderer instead of looking after his family. Alex becomes more robot that his is man. I think this is a bad decision for this film because it makes the film boring. The only exciting moment in the film is in the finally five minutes of the film where Alex fights his machine to save bring justice to Sellars.

1 comment:

  1. Go ahead a post a comment. I would love to know what you think about the film. Did you enjoy it? Do you disagree with me?
